A screenshot of the Infineon World Sports Car Race in B-Spec mode.
B-Spec Mode is the secondary and AI-controlled part of the later Gran Turismo games. First appearing in Gran Turismo 4 and returning in Gran Turismo 5 and Gran Turismo 6, it revolves around the player using the gamepad or steering wheel to instruct an AI-controlled driver to race on their behalf.
B-Spec Points in GT4 and GT5 are earned based on the player vehicle's performance compared to the opponents'. They are used to increase the AI driver's skill in specific areas; machine skill, course skill, and battle skill. They are otherwise not redeemable for anything; prize cars or otherwise. In GT5, B-spec Points determine the level of what B-spec events are available; higher B-spec level also allows for more drivers to be hired, up to six at highest level.
B-Spec Mode is completely optional in GT4 and GT6, but is mandatory for completion in GT5.
By appearance[]
Gran Turismo 4[]
The B-spec mode in GT4 allows the player to select from 5 different paces, or speeds, and can instruct the AI driver to overtake the car ahead, or pit in if new tyres or more fuel is needed. The race can also be sped up by a factor of 2 or 3, making longer races, such as the Grand Valley 300km endurance event, able to be completed in a much shorter period of time.
There are also 2 view modes in B-Spec: race view, which displays the ongoing event via replay cameras, and monitor view, which displays a new screen. On this screen, players will see a map of the course and the positions of both their AI driver and the opponent cars, labeled as letters from "A" through "F", assigned based on the driver's starting grid position. The same instructions that can be accessed on the race view screen can also be seen here, as well as the fast-forward controls, and a live-view diagram along the bottom that will show the distance between each car in meters.
The player can switch between A-Spec and B-Spec mode in the pit lane, except in the Japanese and Chinese version of the game. However, the player cannot switch to A-Spec if the player does not have enough license to participate in an event. Tsukuba Wet Race is the only Special Conditions race that allows the player to use B-Spec by the way of this method.
Gran Turismo 5[]
In GT5, A-spec and B-spec events are segregated. B-spec events are longer in distance, except for fixed length endurance events. The commands that can be given to the B-spec driver are to increase or decrease their pace (unlike GT4, the player cannot select an absolute pace), as well an instruction to keep their pace, to overtake an opponent, or to pit in. The player must also take care of the driver's situation (their physical and mental strength, as well as their indicator if they're being "hot" or "cool"). Each B-spec driver has their own speed (which factors in their braking, cornering, and accuracy ratings), strength (both physical and mental), personality, and experience ratings, which develop as they race. Like in GT4, live timings are available, however the ability to speed up races has been removed.
In most non-endurance races, only one driver can be chosen; endurance events allows additional drivers to be used, in which they can take over a tired driver during a pit stop.
Some Seasonal Events in GT5 exist that used the B-spec mode instead of the usual A-spec mode, including the Signature Edition event exclusive to buyers of the aforementioned version of the game. Additionally, when the online services were still available, B-spec drivers can be used to earn additional in-game income using the Remote Racing feature; however drivers assigned to that mode cannot be used in Career or Seasonal races.
Gran Turismo 6[]
Introduced in update 1.16 and available only in career events, the B-spec mode in GT6 removes the driver raising aspect from the previous game, instead being a mixture of previous games' B-spec modes. The player can select from three pace levels, each being faster and also makes the driver prone to mistakes, as well as telling the driver to pit in. Additionally, it also possible to directly intervene with the driver's actions; other than an overtaking request, the real time controls feature allows the player to slipstream behind an opponent and to manipulate the input of the player's B-spec car.