Gran Turismo Wiki

"A race series for cars with horizontally opposed engines, offering low centre of gravity and unique sounds." - in-game text

Gran Turismo®SPORT Boxer Spirit

Boxer Spirit is a 7 race event that appears in Gran Turismo Sport. It was added along with the rest of the GT League mode in update v1.10. The event is housed in the Amateur League of GT League mode.

The event is aimed at amateur drivers and is restricted to cars with horizontally opposed engines, up to the N500 class.

Event Restrictions[]

  • Maximum Power - 493 BHP
  • Minimum Weight - None
  • Maximum Tyre Rating - Sports: Soft

Allowed Cars[]


Prize Structure[]

  • 1st: Cr. 50,000
  • 2nd: Cr. 30,000
  • 3rd: Cr. 20,000