GT6 Track Path Editor icon.
The GT6 Track Path Editor was an Android/iOS application released on 30th September 2015, the same day of the release of the update 1.21 in Gran Turismo 6. The app was removed from both storefronts after 28th March 2018, due to all GT6 online features being terminated.
The application allowed the player to create tracks that can be used in Gran Turismo 6. The player can select the theme of his choice and draw his own track path, or even trace maps and driving paths from real-life locations. The player can place track side objects such as curbing, and the created track can be transferred into Gran Turismo 6, where the track can be used in the Arcade Mode, Open Lobby and in the Community area.
A PlayStation 3 system connected to the internet, a copy of Gran Turismo 6 and a SEN (Sony Entertainment Network) account are required in order to transfer the track into the game, while a tablet device with Android (4.1 or later) or iOS (7.0 or later) is required in order to install the app. However, it is possible to sideload the application to use with smaller devices.
- Select a theme: Select the geography/scenery of the course from 4 different themes. The available themes are: Death Valley, Eifel, Eifel (Flat), and Andalusia (based on Circuito de la Sierra). Note that on the Eifel (Flat) theme, the option to overlay a reference image is available.
- Layout Mode: Set the shape and route of the track. It is also possible to set the road width and the banking of corners.
- Item Mode: Place plants, buildings and other items along the side of the track.
- Curbing Mode: Place curbing along the edge of the track (this option is not available on the Death Valley theme.)
- Transfer: Transfer the completed track into the game.
- Test Drive: Once the transfer is complete, open the Gran Turismo 6 "Track Path Importer" (available only if the game version is 1.21 or higher), load the track data and do a test drive. In order to save the track, the player must perform an entire lap of the track. Alternatively, if the track is a point to point circuit, the player must reach the finish line of the track before being able to save it.
The user-created tracks can be used in Free Run, Arcade modes, Open Lobby, and Club Events. Note that the game must be connected to online servers to play as any of the user-created tracks, although four sample tracks (one for each theme) are also available offline for single-car Free Run from the Gallery menu.
- The length of the track must be less than or equal to 10 Kilometers (6.21 miles).
- Only 30 user-created tracks can be saved for each SEN account. This also includes the tracks created by other users, and downloaded by the player.
- The sections of the track cannot be overimposed on each other.