Gran Turismo Wiki
Flag of USA

The USA Flag.

The United States of America (also USA for short), commonly referred to as the United States or informally as America, is a federal republic consisting of 50 states and a federal district. This country houses many popular brands such as Buick, Chevrolet, Ford, and Dodge; as well as a few notable racetracks.

Vehicle Manufacturers[]


Photo Travel[]

  • Beacon Hill, Boston, Massachusetts
  • Brooklyn, New York
  • Grand Canyon, Arizona
  • Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Times Square, New York


  1. While Acura is based in America, they are owned by Japanese manufacturer Honda. However, it is their being based in America that that qualifies them to be on the America page.
  2. Same case as above, while Infiniti is based in America, they are owned by Japanese manufacturer Nissan. However, it is their being based in America that that qualifies them to be on the America page.
  3. Same case as the above two, while Lexus is (or rather was) based in America, they are owned by Japanese manufacturer Toyota. However, it is their being based in America that that qualifies them to be on the America page.